Wednesday, August 17, 2016

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life 

1.Be Grateful 

There are many was to be grateful. You could write about your day or just say them out loud. Being grateful on what you have takes time though because many people don't see what they have is to be grateful for. What most people could do id think of the bad that has happen to the other the years because when you look back on the pass and look now you could be grateful on the things you have. For example lets say you tip on something and fall on the floor. At the time you would be very mad or just want to get up fast because you don't want anyone to see that you fell but when you get up you see that if you haven't had fallen you would had walled right in to a door. I would be very grateful that I had fallen maybe other people wouldn't but this is just an example I came up with. Another example is thinking back on things you wanted to do before. What I mean by this is lets say you wanted to go out with your friends but its very late and its a school night yes it would be fun but who knows what time you'd be back and maybe you still have homework that should all ready be done. At the time maybe you would want to go out but its not a good ideas so you don't. When you think back maybe you will be grateful for what you did maybe not everyone is different. Some people are not grateful for things because they don't see what to be grateful for and that's OK it just takes time to see it.     

2.Be Smart 

Being smart am pretty sure we are talking about street smart here and not school smart but ill write about both just to be sure about it. Being smart can mean different things as being school smart or just being smart about the things you do everyday. What I mean is the stupid things you choose in life like drinking while driving can be stopped by thinking it over or "being smart" as am trying to explain here. What am trying to say is that being smart can stop those things like a car crash or other things. This is just trying to explain to people that just by "being smart" doesn't mean that you have to be smart. Like I said before its just trying to show people that having an open mind on the things you do or are about to do can help you think out what could happen while your doing it but I do what think people should take risk at times like lets take a look at Steve Job he is know for the maker of Iphones Ipods etc. He is even know after his death for he has done and by doing this he has to take is risk that could end his job. He as seen as a stupid person for what he was trying to do and prove but in the end he showed people that he could do more then he was seem for doing. Being smart is important to do but as taking risk is the way some people live life is it hard yes i mean Steve Job lost his job at first but he didn't give up he got better and came back and changed the world to what it is today. So yes being smart on what you do in life is very important but taking risk is also something people shouldn't be scared of trying.

3.Be Involved in Good Works 
Getting involved in good work is a good way to make friends or feel happy. Ways you could do this is spend your time at shelters or maybe bring some food to the poor. By doing this you will be seen as a good person and also feel better about yourself. Not only that but you will as have that feeling of knowing that you helped someone that day ether it be helped give them food or maybe help them feel better in any other way. You don't have to do that maybe you don't want to help in any of that you could just help keep the world clean by going to beach cleaning or something else. If you dont think that a good reason then just look at Mother Teresa and what she did. Mother Teresa was a women who helped the poor orphan kids have places to live and food to eat. Not only that she help set up Dr to go to the very sick for free because she cared about people that much. Another story is Mahatma Gandhi his man is mostly know for his nonviolence pacifism and the Indian movement. His man was the meaning of peace he never hurt anyone or anything in his life and he also help make the Indian movement with no violence at all that's something to think about. These are some people who were Involved in good work and were know for the things they did even after they died who knows maybe someone I know could become the next Mother Teresa.  That something to think about.

4.Be Clean 
When we talk about being clean am pretty sure we are talking about are way of life as in never use bad language or taking drugs or anything like that. I mean we might be talking about taking shower but I don't know. I'll be writing about what I think it means which is the drug one. So to me being clean means being clean of drugs and bad language. To do this it would mean to stay away from the wrong type of people but wrong is just up to the point of view but moving on. Staying away from the wrong people may help you stay away from drugs which will help you stay clean from them. As of the bad language that is used all the time so maybe use it less I don't know even if your not a bad person people still use it so it would be pretty hard to get rid of it if it part of the things you hear in your daily life. Another idea to be clean is bloodshed and it could make sense because being clean also means to forgive your sins and it just sounds right as well. I really don't know if its talking about showers or not but if it is I'll just write it down. Being clean could also mean showering and smelling nice. If your clean people will talk to you more because you smell nice. It also good for you to stay clean it keeps your body In good shape. These are the things I think being clean means I did both just to make sure I didn't pick the wrong one.  

5.Be True 
Being true could mean many things one example can be staying true to your self or be true to other its all on how you see things. Being true can also mean doing the things you love with out having people stop you from it. What I mean is that some people give up on there dreams because other say it will never come true but staying true to yourself can help you never give up on that dream. Other thing this could mean is never telling a lie to others always tell them the truth because if you do tell them a lie you wont just lie to them but you'll be lying to yourself as well and that could stay in you mind for a while or maybe not but you will think about it in time. Also staying true in your test can help you as well maybe not at first but later you'll see how staying true helped you in the long run. Going back to being true to yourself this is very important because if you change or stop doing your dreams because someone it stopping you or saying something do stop your dreams just because they said something just keep doing what your doing no matter what other say. Never lie to yourself never because you think different then other people maybe someone thinks like you but not completely so dont lie to yourself because you could be giving up on something you love and never go back to it. Not everyone stays forever so stay true to yourself because that person you could be changing for could leave you in the end and giving up on your dreams just so they can leave is not a good feeling at all. 

6.Be Positive

Being positive helps people around you feel better about them self's.What I mean is lets say someone is having a bad day and being positive can help make that person feel a bit better on that bad day. Being positive can also help you see the light side of a bad thing. I my self know that if am going to fail something then I always stay positive because fail something doesn't mean you failed on everything. Having a bad day then look at the bright side of that day. I know that being positive can always be hard because maybe you can't find the bright of something or maybe you are just having one of those days and its hard to find the bright side. It OK because not everyone can see the bright side because it really up to the point if view here. Some people who see something that is positive to them other can say its not to them. It's really up to the point of view here and you see thing's with your eyes. This also has to go with what we talked about last time as in stay true. A way to be positive is to be true to yourself because you cant really be positive if you not true to yourself. Also being grateful is another way to stay positive for being grateful for the things you have can help with you can see why you should be positive.

7.Be Humble
Humble means not rubbing your wins in someones face. If you are humble you will be seen as a good person because when you win something you don't rub it in someones face. If you are those people who win something then am pretty sure that some people hate you. Am not saying that just because you win something and celebrate because of it doesn't make you humble no that good celebrate you win but when you rub it in someones face nonstop mostly the person you win from then that doesn't makes you humble. Being humble to people around you makes people feel better about them self because you didn't run the win or whatever you did in there face. If you let the wins go to your head sooner or later that's all your going to want win win win and its going to come back and slap you in the face.

8.Be Still
The meaning of still in this is deep silence and calm which used in a sentence looks like this "this still in the night". I think what it means is taking in the situation and be still as in not talking and thinking it over. I have had many situation like that before were you dont know what to stay and you look at the person still not being able to move or talk just standing there taking it all in and waiting. Being still and hearing out the person problem or the situation your in just be still. Things like this can help you in life because there a good thing in you life you can learn from. Being still gives you ideas on how you can deal with these thing. Hearing things out can help you find your way in life. Am pretty sure that this skill will help you because hearing skills helps relationships friendships and many more.

9. Be Prayerful

Final Reflection

In the end all these things can be used in a lifetime and it can help you maybe become a good person. Things like this will help out a lot in a daily life maybe something happens around where you live then you can use way 3 which is to be helpful giving out a sign that you care about people and dont need anything given back to you to help others. Other Ways can be used in life for good reasons you have to find a good way to show that you care and these Ways can help you become a better person.  

"There they are, nine Be's which,if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your night.They will save you from heartache and pain.

They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind.They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and defect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to fell joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth..... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness --things such as popularity and possession and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, " Stop, Look,Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert. 
I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ram parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it, Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop,look or listen. It all happened in an instant. 
The better way to be is the way of these nine Be's 
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something goof of precious life"  

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