Wednesday, June 7, 2017

10 Rules
  1. Be positive to everyone till they prove they want other to do with it 
  2. Take you days
  3. Don't leave it till last min
  4. Try try again!
  5. Work hard
  6. Be smart 
  7. Kill them with kindness 
  8. Have a sense of humor
  9. Be yourself 
  10. Fight for what you believe in
Class Evaluation 
Some of the things that I liked in this class were being able to learn how to code. When we are code its really fun me and my partner help each other out on ones that we get stuck on and we also like to go head to  head. It really fun and I also liked the people I sit next to we gotten closer over the time we sat next to each other and I will still see them around but it wont be the same. This class had its moments it's was pretty fun sometimes other times it seem to take forever to end but in the end I still liked this class. 

Some of the things I didn't like about this class is that it was really boring sometimes. I would mostly always find myself falling asleep in this class. I always have times that I would feel my head fall over and me trying my best to keep my eyes open. Too many times that I can't count how many times i wanted to fall asleep in this class 

A tip I have for this class is that you should make it a little more fun I know many people who say that they can't but fall asleep in this class because every day I the same thing. So id say just change it up a bit to make people stay awake. 

Some of the highlights I have in this class is discovering my love for garfield comics. I would be done with the class work and be waiting on the next work that one day I came across the garfield website and I just read them. I never knew how much I loved them till I started reading them. As a kid I remember reading some books that were just a bunch of garfield comics and I loved them and couldn't get enough of them so I understand why I still love them to this day. 

 Yes I really did my best in this class. I would always do my work the best I could and I would always try in here. I'm not going to lie I would sometimes feel like I didn't want to work on some of the things I had to work on but I would still try my best on it and come back to it later. 

Yes I'm reading my life planning journal I always look at it and wonder what I can write on in next. Some of my goals have changed so much and some of them have stayed the same but let me tell you that I im working to get my goals done and I will never stop trying to get my whole goals out of the bucket list.  

Yes I am committed on being a ctr person. I feel like in this word even though there are people who will use it up I feel like I should be positive to everyone and that everyone is human so we all make mistakes and we all get sad from time to time but just remember we have people there in are lifes. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Top 10 rules for Success By Steph Curry 
  1. Visualize Your goals 
  2. Be the hardest working person 
  3. Stay confident 
  4. Do it your way 
  5. Be creative
  6. Stay in the moment 
  7. Better yourself everyday 
  8. Have an upbeat personally 
  9. Be the best version of yourself
  10. Actions speak louder than words  
The rules that steph curry to be successful are really helpful. If I wanted to be successful I would  follow these list of rules of course some of these things on the list I would change because they wouldn't fit with what I got planned but overall I would follow it to a T. All of his rules are really good and they are really simple things as well but that's one of the good things they are simple things that can be followed pretty easly.   

Thursday, June 1, 2017

10 Rules for Success 
  1. Just Play
  2. Be Competitive 
  3. Always take on new challenges 
  4. Know your priorities 
  5. People will judge you 
  6. Work hard 
  7. Believe you are the best 
  8. Play for the team
  9. Enjoy the moments
  10. Have a sense of humor   
These rules are are good tips to help you succeed in life. Like Cristiano said in the video these will be hard to keep doing but in the end they will pay off. In the video he says that most of these are pretty easy to do but others like not letting people judgments get to you gets pretty hard. I use some of these rules in my life as well for example having a sense of humor I use. I love making people laugh its one of the things that I feel like i'm good at not that good but I try my best to make people smile.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Seeds of Greatness 

1. The Seeds of Self-Esteem "From self-love to self-worth
Having self-esteem is something that people these days have lots of or none of. It's really hard to have lots of self-esteem these days lots of people I know have low self-esteem they don't believe in themselves so they just don't do what they want to do because of it. It's pretty hard to have and keep self-esteem I would know I jump from low to high self-esteem all the him but you need to remember to believe in yourself.

The Seed of Creativity 
2. Releasing your creative energy
Having creativity is a way to get your self-esteem up. It's a good outlet to help you grow and have fun. Yes its a really hard to be creative sometimes I would know I sometimes run out of ideas and just sit there and wait for me to get hit with something but once you're hit with an idea you should write it down or get to work on making it come true. When you have a passion for something you put your all in it and it might not always work but trust me people will know that you put your all into what you tried to make.

The Seed of Responsibility 
3."Whatever we sow we reap"
Being responsible is something almost everyone I know has yes we play around and tell jokes but almost everyone has to be responsible. That's one of the things we learn to do when we grow up that being responsible is a must. Growing up we learn that we have to do things younger us couldn't  do we have to make decisions that we couldn't do as kids.

The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary-- which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the most successful person, regardless of their occupations." 
Having wisdom is important not only will it help us choose things from pass problems. We learn things every day we even if we don't see it. Sometimes we see the big things happend and we learn to never do it again. Wisdom is one of the keys to be a successful person from all the things they done in life they know what not and what to do.

The Seed of Purpose 
"The gold mine is your goal" 
Most people have a purpose in life. They have that one goal they want to get to or just a purpose all together. I know many people who have purpose in and everyday they set out to do things. They set out to make their purpose known and trust me that the people who follow them know their purpose and we will always help it come true. One of the people im talking about is purpose is "To change the world" and this sounds really weird but let me explain. He has an impact on many people around the world and he does such a good job making sure it doesn't go over his head. Hes such a kind person and just to cut it short he wants to make sure that he leaves a mark on the next generation. He wants the people who will come after him to follow in his footsteps. He want to leave a mark on the world and let me tell you he already has maybe the world itself doesn't see it but the people who follow him and love him do and we will be with him till the end of his journey. So finding a purpose for life is a big thing just make sure this purpose is a good one.  

The Seed of Communication 
"Reach out and touch someone" 
Communicating with someone helps us be grateful for the people that come into are lives. If you never communicate with people then you will never grow bonds with people and you never find that person you are grateful to have in your life. Communication is a big key on being able to talk to anyone or get anything done. We all communicate with each other either it being small talk or full on conversions we talk to someone.

The Seed of Faith 
"The power of positive believing" 
When it comes to faith many people have lost it or some still have it. A lot of people put faith into each other and that's a good thing. Having faith in other is a good thing if we have faith on each other then we could have a good time living. Faith in each other is tricky because its easy to lose it and it's harder to have faith in them if they already failed you but that's the best part in faith you can have faith that this time they won't fail you. Have faith in people because it's a good thing to do.

The Seed of Adaptability
"Turning problems into Opportunities" 
When problems pop up many like myself panic because things didn't go to plan and maybe there's a mess of things and lots of people tend to stress out or get mad at one another which just makes things more of a mess. Not all people are like this other make a backup plan and I am also like this I may panic but once that has pass I try to come up with a plan so we can get back on track. We all have to learn to be adaptable because things never go to plan and it's really hard but it makes it way easier to find a way to fix problems with plans gone wrong.

The Seed of Perseverance 

"The will to win everything"
We are always going to fail no matter how hard we try to not we are only human and we will fail but that doesn't mean we should give up no we have to keep trying. If you give up on something you can't get better at it yes I know failing hurts and you just don't want to keep going but it's better to try and fail than to ever try at all not only that but you can learn form you pass fails if you try and you don't fail for the first time then you will never learn what you could have done better than before.

The Seed of Perspective 
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." 

Perspective its one of the many things everyone in the world has. We all have our own perspective this is why sadly the world can never be at peace because we all thing another way and sure some people could have the same perspective as others but not everyone will have it. Perspective is something that we all using everyday either it being on a oppsion we have or the way we see things we all have our own perspective.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being more Truthful

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

The way these 10 tips can benefit me is by helping me stay truth to myself. Lots of people don't tell the truth these days and it ends up hurting relasionships with people. Friendships end people hurt eachother and are no longer friends. Having these tips in your life can help you stop that it can help you be more truthful and help you teat yourself right. The way I will use this in my daily life remebering them when I have to be honest with myself and other around me. These 10 tips can come in handy in the futuer we may never know what could happend. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

School Break

What I did break was pretty much what I do every weekend nothing just stayed in and was on my phone mostly seeing YouTube and Netflix. My mom didn't want to go out so we just stayed in and we would go walk the dog from time to time but that's pretty much it. We did on saturday go to my dad's house to see him but we stayed till sunday night and left back home around 8pm. I got a new shirt? i guess that's something yah I didn't really have anything to do it was just me staying at home sleeping in and being on the phone to pass time. Yup that's pretty much it